

Three Ways to Insulate Your Home

Home Energy Savings Infographics

Click to enlarge the graphics below for house energy saving tips

  • 恒温器

    在夏天, set the thermostat between 76 和 78 degrees when you are home. 在冬天, 把你的恒温器调到68度,当你要离开几个小时的时候,把它调低2到3度.

    使用吊扇来调节家里的“感觉”温度,而不是调节恒温器. Just remember to turn it off when you leave the room. A ceiling fan should rotate counterclockwise in the summer. 使用最低速度,并在冬季将叶片转顺时针方向.

    节省取暖费用最简单的方法之一就是把恒温器调低,晚上在床上多铺一条毯子, or bundle up with a cozy sweater 和 warm socks. 当你在家的时候,一个可编程的恒温器可以很容易地将你的房子保持在推荐的季节温度, 当你离开或睡觉时,自动调节恒温器将温度调高或调低几度.

    Regardless of the season, the smaller the difference between the indoor 和 outdoor temperatures, the lower your heating 和 cooling costs will be.

  • 窗户 & 门

    在夏天,拉上家里向阳的一面的窗帘和百叶窗来阻挡热量. 开放 them on the shady side for a free light source. 在冬天,白天保持百叶窗打开,让阳光直射产生热量. 关闭 them at night to hold in the heat.

    检查每扇窗户,确保没有丢失的玻璃、腐烂的木头或破碎的部件. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal leaky windows 和 exterior doors. 如果你能看到门口的光线,或者感觉到冷空气从窗户渗进来, you’re losing energy 和 reducing the comfort level of your home.

    If your windows are in fairly good condition, 安装低辐射防风窗可以提高能源效率,其成本约为全部更换成本的四分之一. Storm windows reduce air infiltration, whether they are coated or not. 然而, 低辐射涂料, a nearly invisible layer on the glass, 能比标准防风窗多节约10- 15%的能源吗.

    Typically, storm windows should be custom ordered to fit your existing windows. They are available at both independent window dealers 和 big-box retailers. Modern storm windows can be left in place year-round, 防虫屏意味着你可以打开窗户而不让讨厌的害虫进来.

    If storm windows aren’t an option, try applying heat shrink film, which looks like a thicker version of plastic wrap. 这种薄膜可以剪成合适的尺寸,用双面胶带贴在窗框的内侧. Use a hair dryer to shrink the film to provide a better seal around the window.

    额外的寒冷天气小贴士:尽可能关闭车库门,防止冷空气进入你的房子. 当你洗澡时, 考虑开着浴室的门,这样蒸汽就会扩散到其他房间,但不要使用换气扇. It will remove the warm air you’re hoping to keep in the house.

  • 暖通空调
    因为你的能源账单的最大比例是你的供暖和制冷系统, maintaining it is one of the best things you can do to lower your bill. Keep your outside unit free of debris 和 grass clippings. 每年对暖通空调系统进行维修,包括检查制冷剂水平, 压缩机, 软管, ductwork 和 thermostat. Make sure to clean or replace air filters regularly.

    Do not turn off your 暖通空调 system during winter. 相反,当你不在家的时候,把恒温器调低几度来节省能源. 当你回到家时,完全关闭它会导致更高的能源消耗,并使你的管道有结冰的危险.

    考虑一下用节能热泵取代旧的暖通空调的节省潜力 热泵计算器. Estimate the cost of supplemental heat during cold winter months with our Space Heater Calculator.

    研究表明,在有树荫的社区,夏季气温可能比没有树木的地区低3到6度. 在你的房子周围精心放置树木可以减少高达25%的冷却成本. 除了, shading your outdoor unit can help lower the energy used to cool your home; just be sure not to block airflow.
  • 电器
    把冰箱调到40度,让食物冷却后再放进冰箱. Hot foods will raise the temperature in the fridge 和 make it work harder.

    Every time you open the door, 烤箱的温度下降了25-30度,需要更多的能量来重新加热到合适的温度. 使用 oven light instead.

    Sizing pots to the right stovetop burner can make a big difference. 一个6英寸的锅在一个8英寸的燃烧器上浪费了超过40%的燃烧器热量. 此外,盖上锅碗瓢盆可以减少热量损失,使食物更有效地烹饪.

    当娱乐, cook as many dishes as possible in your 微波, which uses about 50 percent less energy than a conventional oven.
    Wash full loads of clothes 和 use cold water when possible. Unless you’re dealing with oily stains, 洗衣机上的温水或冷水通常都能很好地清洗衣服. Switching from hot to warm can cut your load’s energy use in half. If you have a front-loading washer or high-efficiency top-loader, use detergent labeled for high-efficiency machines. 另外,当温度适宜时,不要忘记在室外或晾衣架上晾干衣服.

    Run the dishwasher when it’s completely full.

    在夏天, avoid using appliances that create heat 和 humidity, 比如烤箱, dishwasher 和 clothes dryer during the hottest part of the day. Summer is a perfect time to grill out 和 line dry clothes.

    Shopping for a new appliance, thermostat or television? 我们使比较和找到最有效的选项上的最佳价格变得容易. Explore top-rated energy-efficient appliances 和 electronics at the EnergyRight Marketplace. Always buy Energy Star certified products to save money on your energy bill.

    Eliminate phantom load by using a power strip for your entertainment center, computer 和 other electronics to completely disconnect from the power source. 老旧的机顶盒和dvr是一些最可怕的能源吸血鬼,因为它们在不使用时不断消耗25-45瓦的能量. 只要记住,如果你打算录制节目,你的有线电视盒必须开着.

    Before you leave for the day, 养成拔掉所有不需要的电器插头的习惯,包括咖啡机, 微波, toaster oven 和 other unused appliances. 吹风机, 卷发器和电动剃须刀在不用的时候插在墙上,仍然会耗电.

    一旦你的手机或平板电脑上电,拔掉充电器,以避免浪费能源. Also, be sure to power down your video game console when it’s “game over.”

    Find out how much energy the appliances in your home use with the 设备的计算器. 使用 电视的计算器 to compare energy costs based on the type of television you own.
  • 热水器

    After your 暖通空调 system, the water heater is typically the second largest component of your energy bill.

    Set the water heater thermostat to 120 degrees 和 take cooler showers. Use cold water to wash clothes.

    If you have an older tank located in an unheated area, 用热水器保温毯包裹它是一种既便宜又简单的减少水加热成本的方法.



  • 壁炉

    There’s nothing better than cozying up to a warm fire during the winter months, but make sure to keep an eye on your chimney. It can act like an open window when the fireplace is not in use. 在火完全熄灭后关闭风门,这样你就不会失去热空气. If you never use your fireplace, consider plugging 和 sealing the chimney flue.

  • 灯 & 节日照明
    Turn off lights when you leave the room, 并且有策略地在灯上设置计时器,这样当你回到家的时候,你的房子就会灯火通明. 这将确保选定的灯只在需要时打开,并避免过多的能源使用, while also keeping your home safe.

    Light Emitting Diodes lightbulbs, 也被称为led, use 75 percent less energy than inc和escent lighting, 它们的寿命比白炽灯长40倍,比荧光灯长3倍. They produce very little heat 和 are extremely durable.

    Keep light fixtures 和 bulbs clean. Dust absorbs 50 percent of light.

    与白炽灯相比,LED灯可以节省75%以上的能源. 此外,它们的热量更少,有助于降低火灾的风险,而且它们的使用寿命最长可达10年.

    Try to cut down on the number of str和s you use. Rather than adding more lights to your tree, try enhancing the existing lighting with tinsel, mirrored ornaments 和 other reflective items.
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